Absence Policy

Absence Policy

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Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Plan

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Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy

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Anti Bullying Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

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Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

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Communication Guidelines and Protocol

Communication Guidelines and Protocol

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Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

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Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Policy

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Discipline & Behaviour for Learning

Discipline & Behaviour for Learning

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Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Policy

Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Policy

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EAL Policy

EAL Policy

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Equal Opportunities Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

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Please click the below links to view each section of the policy:

Equal Opportunities – Education
Equal Opportunities – Employment

First Aid Policy

First Aid Policy

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GDST Exclusions Policy

GDST Exclusions Policy

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GDST Health and Safety Statement

GDST Health and Safety Statement

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Mobile Device Policy

Mobile Device Policy

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Online Safety Policy

Online Safety Policy

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Positive Mental Health Policy

Positive Mental Health Policy

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Prep Policy

Prep Policy

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Provision for Different Needs Policy

Provision for Different Needs Policy

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Remote Learning Policy

Remote Learning Policy

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Rewards and Sanctions

Rewards and Sanctions

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Risk Assessment Policy Statement

Risk Assessment Policy Statement

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Routine Child Immunisations

Routine Child Immunisations

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Please click here to find out more information regarding Routine Child Immunisations

RSE Policy

RSE Policy

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Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

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Safeguarding Procedures

Safeguarding Procedures

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SEND Policy

SEND Policy

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Statement of Health and Safety Organization

Statement of Health and Safety Organization

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Supervision of Pupils

Supervision of Pupils

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Uniform Policy

Uniform Policy

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Visitor Policy

Visitor Policy

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Further policies are available on request via nhsadmin@nhs.gdst.net or 01604 765765.


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