Nothampton High School
Junior News

Junior News 14 February 2020

Dear Parents,

The half term holiday marks the half way point of a hugely successful year so far here at the Nursery and Junior School. Yesterday we were treated to a quite stunning performance of ‘Scheherazade’ by our fantastic girls in Year 5 and 6. The quality of acting, dance, singing, costumes and general stage craft was quite simply excellent, as every parent and staff member who I spoke to afterwards attested to. Thank you so much to everyone who helped to make the show a success; we are already excited about what next year’s performance might be as we continue to build on the culture of performing arts in the school.

Today, the classrooms have been a sea of red as we raise awareness of this year’s school charity, ‘Medical Detection Dogs.’ Thank you for supporting this fundraiser; watch out for further charitable events later in the year.

On Wednesday, specialist art teacher Mrs Beacroft visited us in assembly to talk about ‘snow’ themed images; we learnt about shading, colour, pattern and shape through the work of a diverse range of artists including Beatrix Potter and Claude Monet. Having such expertise on our school site and being able to deliver learning experiences such as this to the whole school community is just one of the features of our school that sets us apart.

The whole school have been involved in learning activities this week linked to Safer Internet Day. The girls have come up with a whole range of ideas as to how they can stay safe online, and we will be discussing these further in our computing and PSHE sessions.

The teaching staff have been busy writing school reports for the girls over the last few weeks, and they are accessible online from today. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them all and hearing all about their individual successes.

There is so much to look forward to as we move into Spring, including our Easter disco and various residential trips; we can’t wait to see you all back after the holiday.

Have a restful week,

Chris Bailey
Head of Junior School

Mobile Phones

A polite reminder that your daughter should only be bringing a mobile phone into school if she is using the school bus, walking or cycling home alone.  Mobile phones should be handed in to the school office at the beginning of the day and collected at the end of the day.

If your daughter does bring in her mobile phone please collect and fill out the permissions form and hand it into the office.



Medical Detection Dogs

Thank you so much for all your kind donations for this worthy charity. So far we have collected approximately £262.00 which is amazing!

This was raised by

  • wearing red for a mufti day
  • naming the dog competition
  • a challenge to find the missing dog on a map

Scheherazade photos

Year 5 and 6 – Scheherazade photo orders

You will be receiving an order form for the Scheherazade photos via Schoolcomms.

If you would like to order photos please look at the link on the order form. Then order your photos using the order form, handing it into the office by Friday 28 February when these will be collected.



Each week in assembly, girls are invited to share their achievements in activities outside of school. They are listed below for this week:

Maya A – proficiency award 6

Shreya S – water skills badge 1
Leilana P – worked hard for 10 weeks

Risara S – tap exam grade 1 distinction

Lydia M – under 18 mixed event 3rd overall and placed top female




Class Assemblies are held in the Junior School Hall at 8.35am on Wednesdays. Parents are most welcome to enjoy refreshments from 8.00am in the Community Room. Here are the dates for the Spring Term:

5N – Wednesday 26 February

2N – Wednesday 4 March

3N – Wednesday 11 March

Reception – Wednesday 18 March

1N – Wednesday 25 March



Dates for Diary

w/c Monday 17 February – Half Term (with exception of Nursery which will be open as normal)

Tuesday 25 February – Pre-School visit to Richmond Village 10.30am-11.45am

Wednesday 26 February – Looking forward to Senior School event for Year 5 4.30pm-5.30pm

Wednesday 26 – Friday 28 February – Year 3 and 4 Burwell Residential

Monday 2 March – Nursery Stay and Play 8am-9.30am

Wednesday 4 March – Joseph ‘Big Sing’ at the Derngate 6.30pm

Thursday 5 March – Year 5 day trip to Bletchley Park

Thursday 5 March – World Book Day

Thursday 5 March – Open Evening 4.30pm-6.30pm

Friday 6 March – Open Morning 9.30am-12pm

Friday 6 March – International Women’s Day

w/c Monday 9 March – Science Week

Tuesday 17 March – Pre-school Richmond Village 10.30am-11.45am

Wednesday 18 March – KS1 day trip to the National Space Centre

Thursday 19 March – Music Composition Evening 7pm-9pm

Thursday 26 March – Pre-school transition event to Reception Class 9am-10am

Thursday 26 March – Easter Disco Reception to Year 6  4pm-5pm

Tuesday 31 March – Sports Presentation Evening 6pm

Wednesday 1 April – Whole School Photograph

Wednesday 1 April – Parents’ Evening from 6.00pm

Thursday 2 April – Parents’ Evening from 3.50pm

Friday 3 April – End of Term

Monday 20 April – INSET Day

Tuesday 21 April – Start of Summer Term

Friday 24 April – Day of Debating

Tuesday 28 April – Pre-school Richmond Village 10.30am-11.45am

Tuesday 28 April – Nursery Stay and Play 2pm-3.15pm

Friday 1 May – Whole School Birthday Assembly

Friday 1 May – Whole School Open Morning 8.30am-12pm

Friday 8 May – VE Bank Holiday

w/c Monday 11 May – Year 6 Osmington Bay Residential

Looking ahead: Sports Day for KS2 and Senior School is Friday 5 June

Easter Disco





The following clubs have been cancelled:

  • Monday 24 February – Story Club Year 3 and 4
  • Tuesday 25 February – Concertina Sketchbook Club Year 5
  • Tuesday 25 February – Maths Games and Puzzles Year 3 and 4
  • Tuesday 25 February – Digital Leaders Club Year 5 and 6



On Wednesday 12 February the Under 11A team played a tournament at Winchester House.  Our scores were; 1-0 to Swanbourne, 6-0 to Milton Keynes Prep, 5-2 to Winchester House and 4-0 to Akley Wood.  I am very proud of our teamwork.  We definitely got better throughout the matches. Thank you to Mrs Littlewood and Miss James for coaching and supporting.
Captain – Anna

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Parent Forum, 6 February 2020

Many thanks to all who attended the Parent Forum on Thursday 6 February. The subject for this meeting was ‘communication’ and the discussions fell under three broad categories. These were:

1) reporting and pupil progress feedback

2) marketing, messaging and operational parent communications, and

3) catering and estates.

The full minutes and action points can be found here: Parent Forum February 2020.

The next meeting will take place early next term. If you would like to propose any items for discussion, please get in touch.

Nursery Kipper Room and Elmer Room

Kipper Room:

In Kipper this week we have been exploring lots of sensory play, including sticky pasta, which the girls initially used their hands to feel. We then explored other resources which they added to the tray to extend the activity. With the pasta play there was lots of excited conversation, with the pasta looking like worms. Then it was made into cakes with discussions about how it changed texture when they transported it to the water tray and mixed it all together. While outside, we introduced ‘boundary’ games such as encouraging the girls to run ahead slightly and then stop at a tree, or at a specific landmark within the playground.

Voice of the child:

Annabel shouted and pointed at an “urplane” when a plane flew over.
In the library Bonetta saw a book that she knew and said, “that’s Rumble in the Jungle.”

Elmer Room:

Our theme of senses has been really well received by all the girls. They have engaged enthusiastically and you can see that our display table always looks well-used. We finished this theme by looking at ‘vision,’ and we made some sensory glitter bottles (watching the glitter settle is very calming). We have used our eyes to help us with activities such as cutting and matching games. There was no Forest School this week, so we went for a walk in the school grounds, marched up and down the hill, then went on the slide in the big playground.

Next week is half term, so for those of you who are not here have a nice break; for those of us that are here we are looking forward to exploring dinosaurs.

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Nursery Pre-School


This week we have been thinking about the ‘sense’ taste, the girls were blindfolded and had to try to guess what they were tasting. It was decided that the biscuit and orange were yummy but the lemon was “urgh”, although two girls did eat it. On Monday we made ‘flappy fish’ which we ‘fanned’ to make them move along the ‘floor’, all part of learning about the ‘f’ sound. We have also made ‘faces,’ placing on different ‘features’ and completed dot-to-dots, recognising numbers to 10 and 20.

What the girls have enjoyed:

“Playing with the dolls house.” Senuli.
“I like jigsaw puzzles.” Evie.
“I like making toys.” Amelia K.

Looking ahead to after half term:

  • Our sound is ‘e’.
  • We will be doing activities linked to our new topic of ‘Growing and New Life’.
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This week the girls have continued on from the story ‘Kipper’s Party’, by finding out what is needed to make real cakes and how to follow instructions. To link with our Maths learning on doubles, each cake had to show a double amount of smarties! Our materials learning has finished with ‘metal’. The girls have also investigated which objects would stick to a magnet, concluding that it had to be something made of metal. They enjoyed using metal detectors to look for treasure in the sand. We have also looked at a selection of toys from a long time ago. The girls enjoyed trying them out and finding out what materials they were made from. It has been a lovely end to the half term, thanks to our ‘charity mufti’ and ‘red heart’ activities.

What the girls have said:

“I liked playing with the old toys.” Rhoda.
“I enjoyed making cakes.” Keziah.
“I enjoyed making heart biscuits.” Isabella.
“I like ‘sound corner’ and learning new sounds.” Emily.

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Year 1


It has been another busy week in Year 1. We have been working really hard in Maths, looking at the place value of each digit in a two digit number and practising our counting, forwards and backwards to 50. In English, we have looked at making singular words plural and how to add ‘s’ or ‘es’ onto the end of words. We have also looked at where capital letters need to go and the days of the week. In Science, we had great fun looking at reversible and irreversible changes, especially with making toast and melting chocolate. In Computing, we have thought about internet safety; we discussed why it is important to be safe online and listened to a great assembly all about what the internet is for and how we can use it safely. We also had the extra treat this week, being able to watch the fantastic Year 5 and 6 performance of Scheherazade.

What the girls have said:

“I enjoyed melting the chocolate in Science.” Amber.
“I liked being able to watch the play because I really liked the acting.” Lucy.
“I enjoyed learning the ‘igh’ sound in phonics.” Leah.
“I liked counting up and backwards from bigger numbers.” Kinara.

Looking ahead to after half term:

  • English – non Fiction Space writing.
  • Maths – continuing with comparing numbers to 50.
  • RE- appreciating our world and learning how to look after it.
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Year 2


In Maths we have started work on shape exploring 2D shapes in detail, reminding ourselves of their names and examining some of their properties. We even did an investigation which definitely tested our levels of perseverance! In English we have been looking closely at apostrophes both for contraction and possession and we’ve written a Valentine’s Day poem explaining what love is and what it means to us. In Art we have produced some amazing pictures of the moon using pastels and various painting techniques. At Forest School we worked hard in teams to build a shelter. We were also treated to a showing of the Year 6 performance, ‘Scheherazade’.

What the girls have said:

“I loved shelter building at Forest School.”  Maya.
“I liked making our moon picture and Valentine’s Day card in art.” Anna.
“I liked watching the Year 6’s show.” Rebecca.

Looking ahead to after half term:

  • Maths – 3D shapes.
  • English – non-fiction writing.
  • Art and Design – ‘Planet Pizza’ designing.
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Year 3


This week we have studied division in Maths, made sandwiches in DT and completed team-building tasks with Year 4 at Forest School. Year 3 all enjoyed watching the Year 5 and 6 Play, ‘Scheherazade’; it was brilliant!

What the girls have said:

“I enjoyed going to Forest School and doing team-building activities. I had great fun with Year 4 and they made me laugh.” Tami.
“I liked making our sandwiches but all my ingredients oozed out of my sandwich!” Ishani.

Looking ahead to after half term:

After half term we will be going to Burwell House on our residential. Please follow us on the Junior School Twitter account, @NHSJuniorSchool, where we will keep you updated with photos and information throughout the trip.

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Year 4


In Maths this week we have identified parallel and perpendicular lines and different types of angle before using this knowledge to describe the properties of polygons. In English we have redrafted and written the final version of our stories set in an imaginary world. We have also enjoyed taking part in team-building activities with Year 3 at Forest School.

What the girls have said:

“My highlight of the week was in Art because I liked working on our collage of trees.” Diandra.
“I enjoyed Forest School when we were cooperating together to make something to carry a toy.” Ayana.
“I liked making the slider pop-up in DT.” Alice.

Looking ahead to after half term:

We are looking forward to our residential visit to Burwell House!  Please follow us on the Junior School Twitter account, @NHSJuniorSchool, where we will keep you updated with photos and information throughout the trip.

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Year 5


This week we have been busy rehearsing for our Scheherazade performance on Thursday. The girls have really impressed us with their behaviour and patience during the rehearsals. We also managed to squeeze in some more multiplication problem-solving, some spellings practice and some self-portraits inspired by Picasso.

To view photos from Scheherazade, please click here

Wishing you all a lovely half term break.
Miss Brandon-Jones and Mrs Shaw

What the girls have said:

“I really enjoyed Enrichment this week because we painted Picasso pictures with watercolours. It was a self-portrait. We thought about Picasso’s original style and incorporated that into our own design.” Georgia.
“I enjoyed doing the Scheherazade rehearsals, especially when we practised the Ali Baba dance because we could really get into character. When Leela enters the cave of deep, dark mystery we get really into it!” Lois.
“This week we also did some activities for Safer Internet Day – this year it’s all about your online identity. We had some great discussions in the classroom about what this means and how we use emojis to show our emotions.” Verity and Isla.

Looking ahead to after half term: 


  •  5N Class Assembly – Wednesday 26 February.
  • Joseph ‘Big Sing’ performance at the Derngate Theatre – Wednesday 4 March (tickets going very fast!).
  • Trip to Bletchley Park – Thursday 5 March.
  • Trip to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre – Monday 9 March
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See all photos

Year 6

Week 6 – Year 5 and 6 present Scheherazade! A fantastic end to the half term!

Looking around an old and forgotten junk shop, a group of children discover a dust covered book entitled, “Tales of the Arabian Nights”. A mysterious old woman suddenly appears and begins to tell the tale of Scheherazade. The princess weaves a web of enticing tales over 1001 nights, freeing the sultan from an evil curse and saving the lives of many women.
We couldn’t be prouder of our girls this week for completing a magical re-telling of this famous tale, Scheherazade. It is incredible to think that the girls performed to such a high standard after just four days of rehearsals. They rose to this challenge without hesitation and further developed their confidence, deeper thinking and teamwork skills, as well as creating memories which will stay with them forever.

Our audience was enthralled by the magical stories: the hilarious ‘Tale of the Beggar’, the terrifying ‘Tale of Ali Baba’s Cave’, the unbelievable ‘Fisherman’s Tale’, and uplifting ‘Tale of the Prince and the Stone King’.
Have a great half term everyone!
Mrs Fordham and Mr Loveday

Student Voices:
“I enjoyed the pressure of performing in a week. Everyone worked well and hard”.
“It felt like a professional performance. It was amazing!”
“West End here we come!”
“I loved the way the play included different emotions – some tales made you laugh, some made you feel scared and some made you feel really hopeful.”
“I was really proud of myself when I made a mistake and managed to correct it.”
“Learning the dance was great fun and it looked really effective.”
“A real show stopper!”
“We managed to control our nerves, used our quick thinking to cover up anything that went wrong and felt very proud of what we achieved.”
“The Beggar scene was hilarious!”
“The lighting, set, memorable songs and lively acting made this the BEST SHOW EVER!”
“I was proud of myself.”
“A night that will go down in history at Northampton High!”
“All our rehearsing really paid off. I felt really engaged”.
“It was better than Billionaire Boy at the Derngate!”
“Who wouldn’t want to be a student at this school when we can be this good!”

To view photos from Scheherazade, please click here

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GAP Club


The girls have continued to make some fantastic creations this week using Hama Beads. We have also had various ‘heart-themed’ activities, including card-making and mobiles.
Wishing everyone a lovely half term.

What the girls have enjoyed:

“Dragging people in the sleigh, because it is fun and I like doing the Hama Beads; it is all fun.” Amelia, Year 1.
“I liked doing the Hama Beads because I made a love heart and Kinara helped me and she let me take it home. I liked doing the threading on the love heart.” Caoimhe, Reception.
“I liked making a princess with the Hama Beads.” Leilana, Year 2.

Looking ahead:

  • The girls will be exploring and making different types of dough.
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Term Dates

Northampton High School
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T: 01604 765765 nhsadmin@nhs.Gdst.Net