Annual Reunion Lunch – postponed to July 2022

The Annual Reunion Lunch is such a wonderful event and we all look forward to it each year.

Last year, the Annual Lunch, usually hosted in January each year, could not go ahead due to the pandemic. Regrettably, after much careful consideration, the committee has decided that it would be a huge risk to hold such a large event in January 2022 – during the second winter of the pandemic.  It is felt that, with the many unknown ramifications of the Covid situation and the difficulties that the winter months potentially could bring, it is just not a sensible idea to bring together many people from their various households.

We would, however, like to host an event to give alumnae the opportunity to meet up; our social networks are so important to us all, and the pandemic has brought this into sharp focus.

The Reunion Lunch is proposed to take place on Saturday 9 July 2022 – we hope that the summer months will provide a safer time to all gather together.

We know that some of you will be disappointed but hope that you understand our position. We do hope we will be able to welcome many of our alumnae to this lunch and look forward to reconnecting then.


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